Thursday, February 14, 2013

I've got mail

If you've been following the charming Maisie over at Punkin's Patch, you will know the key role that goat milk played in the bottle lamb's saga. To show her thanks and spread the goodness,
thecrazysheeplady hosted a giveaway of goat milk soap from the folks (and goats) who kindly provided the life-saving milk for Maisie. Tyche's Run won! Our soap arrived this week and is every bit as lovely as promised. We've given it the spot of honor at the kitchen sink, so everytime I come in from the barn, I can wash my hands and think of Maisie and her goats.  Thanks to the thecrazysheeplady as well as the folks at Happy Goat Hills Farm.


  1. Congrats to you! There is nothing like homemade goat milk soap! :)

  2. So glad you won! I've enjoyed meeting you :-).
